Custom clearance of cargo at ports was handled by three kinds of people who were regulated by the customs. Dalal or ‘pass writer’ was the oldest known category, predating even the establishment of the Bombay Port Trust in1873 and the enactment of the Customs Act in 1878. Dalals were responsible for preparing documents at the customs. The first known dalal was said to be Dosabhoy Mistry who secured a licence to transact business as far back as in 1858, the year East India Company made its exit from the country. Muccadams were another kind of people engaged in the physical handling of cargo at the docks and had no authority to process documents through Customs. The firm Curumsey Damji was said to be functioning as Muccadams around 1858. The third kind of people emerged towards the end of the eighteenth century. They were clearing agents licensed by the Sea Customs Act, 1878. They could assume the activities of both the Dalals and Muccadams and they also had the added authority of signing documents on behalf of merchants.

In 1960, with the New Custom House Agents Licensing Rules with modifications to the then existing CHA Licensing Rules 1957 were notified. A need for a joint representation to the Government and common action was felt. Accordingly a joint conference of all Clearing Agents Associations In India was called. On 9th July, 1960 a meeting of Clearing Agents Associations of Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Cochin and the Karachiwala Association was held in Mumbai. It was during this meeting that it was resolved to form a federation of all the customs clearing agents associations in India. On 2nd December, 1962, former Union Minister of Finance Late. Shri Morarjee Desai inaugurated the Federation Of Customs Clearing Agents Associations Of India (now, Federation Of Freight Forwarders Associations’ In India). The Bombay, Calcutta, Cochin, Jamnagar, Goa, Kandla and Bhavnagar Associations formed the Federation.


Today, Federation of Freight Forwarders’ Associations in India (FFFAI) is the Apex Body and the Sole Representative of 24 Member Associations from all over India representing 5000 Custom Brokers and Freight Forwarders (employing over 1,00,000 people) and controlling ninety per cent of India’s international logistics trade. In addition, organisations who are directly or indirectly connected with freight forwarding, shipping and commerce are also associated with FFFAI.


  • To organise united action to protect and promote the interest of the professional in all its aspects at the national level;
  • Co-ordinate the activities of the Custom House Agents’ Associations and their members;
  • To collect and disseminate information to members on subject of common interest;
  • To help members to acquaint the authorities with their common problems;
  • To protect and to improve the common benefits;
  • To get redressal of legitimate grievances by all peaceful and constitutional means and procedures to exercise beneficial supervision over the clearing trade with a view to maintain a high standard of integrity and public confidence;
  • To evolve a code of conduct of ethics for the Custom House Agents and /or members of the Federation.

International Participation

FFFAI being national apex body in the field of Freight Forwarding and Logistics has its representation on International Association like International Federation of Freight Forwarder Association (FIATA) and International Custom Brokers Association (IFCBA). FFFAI Past Chairmen have been at the helm of affairs of these international associations.

  • Mr. Arvind Parikh was the first Asian President of FIATA
  • Late Mayur C. Contractor was Senior Vice President of FIATA
  • Late Lt. Cdr. R. Srinivasan was Managing Director of IFCBA
  • Mr. Shantanu Bhadkamkar was Chairman of IFCBA
  • Mr. Shankar Shinde is present Managing Director of IFCBA
  • Mr. Shankar Shinde is permanent member of International Working Group on INSTC Coordination and Development
  • FFFAI participated in tender bidding for INSTC Dry Run project
  • FFFAI Past Chairman Mr Samir J. Shah is the Vice Chairman of Customs Affairs Institute(CAI) of FIATA
  • Mr. Tej Contractor is the Chairperson of Advisory Body Information Technology (ABIT) of FIATA.

FFFAI has hosted International Meetings and Conference of FIATA, IFCBA INSTC Stakeholders.

  • FFFAI hosted the FIATA Regional Asia Pacific Meeting in conjunction with UNESCAP meetings of National Freight Forwarders Logistics Association in 2008
  • FFFAI hosted IFCBA Board of Director Meeting in 2013
  • FFFAI hosted FIATA Multimodal Transport Institute (Working Group Sea Transport) meeting in 2014
  • FFFAI hosted INSTC Stakeholder Conference in 2014
  • FFFAI hosted INSTC Stakeholder Conference in 2015
  • FFFAI hosted FIATA World Congress in 2018

Participation and Representation

With all Government Authorities, Organizations, Ports / Airports, Trade Bodies and other stake holders in International Trade recognizing FFFAI as a sole representative of Custom House Agents and International Freight Forwarders, FFFAI enjoys consultative status on all the matters of importance concerning International Trade. FFFAI is the Largest Non-Governmental Organisation in the field of International Transportation in India and is recognized by the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Shipping, and Ministry of Civil Aviation and consulted on issues, policy decisions and procedures for Custom House Agents, Freight Forwarders, Multimodal Transport Operators, Shipping, Aviation and EXIM Trade.

FFFAI actively participates, represents and provides inputs in meetings and conferences organized by departments of Ministries of Government of India. FFFAI participates in:

  • Pre-budget meeting held by Ministry of Finance for suggestion to Annual Budget
  • Customs Consultative Group meeting held by Central Board of Excise & Customs, Ministry of Finance
  • SCOPE SEA & SCOPE AIR meeting held by Ministry of Commerce and industry
  • FFFAI has been granted audience by the former President of India, Smt. Pratibha Devi Singh Patil
  • FFFAI has participated in a joint conference joint conference with Secretary General of World Customs Organisation Mr.Kunio Mikuriya and Senior members of the CBEC and Customs department held in New Delhi in 2012
  • FFFAI participates in pre-budget meeting held by Ministry of Finance with respect suggestion for the Annual Budget of India
  • FFFAI participates in the Customs Cons
  • FFFAI participates in SCOPE for resolution of issues facing EXIM trade and discussion on measures to boosts exports
  • FFFAI participates in grievance committee meetings organized by Ministry of Shipping for addressing grievances of the shipping and logistics fraternity
  • FFFAI participates in meeting of Ministry of Civil Aviation for formation of policy with regard to Air Freight Stations

Former President of India, Smt. Pratibha Devi Singh Patil, granted audience FFFAI in Rashtrapati Bhavan. FFFAI has also been invited for a Joint Conference with Secretary General of World Customs Organisation Mr.Kunio Mikuriya and Senior members of the CBEC. FFFAI. Ministry of Commerce & Industry had invited FFFAI to do a sample run on the Bottlenecks in The International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) project and submit recommendations.


FFFAI and its members have been felicitated for their efforts and achievements in the field of logistics. On the occasion of International Customs Day in 2013, was FFFAI was recognized with World Customs Organization – Certificate of Merit for its contribution to the logistics and maritime fraternity and services to the nation. Former Chairman of FFFAI -Late Mr.M.K.Ghosh, former Vice- Chairman of FFFAI – Mr.Nailesh Gandhi and Advisor of FFFAI – Mr. Naval Mehta have also received the same recognition.

Activities of FFFAI

We append below few events undertaken by FFFAI which are noteworthy amongst various other activities of FFFAI.

  • FFFAI played important role in implementing Customs Broker License Management System (CBLMS) online module across India in coordination with 30 Member Associations to make it successful.
  • FFFAI had successfully executed International North South Transport Corridor (INSTC) / TIR Convention and CHABAHAR Port study project under Ministry of Shipping, Ministry of External Affairs, Ministry of Commerce & Industry.
  • FFFAI has played important role in studying and recommending TIR Convention during INSTC dry run study.
  • FFFAI presented on Faceless Assessment – A Perspective of Trade on the occasion of 60 years of Customs Act. on invite from CBIC
  • FFFAI Biennial Convention is the knowledge sharing event which is attended by Custom Brokers, Freight Forwarders, Shipping Lines, Airlines, IATA Agents, Logistics Service Providers, Port Officials, Government Officials and representatives of trade and Commerce. Business Sessions are well crafted, with thought leadership platform for fruitful interactions and for framing seamless solution to cross border trade.
  • FFFAI has its own Training & Skill development institute to provide education to trade and next generation with accreditation of FIATA Diploma Course in Freight Forwarding which has recognition in more than 120 countries in the world.
  • FFFAI’s one of the initiatives to disseminate and create professionalism in Logistics sector has signed MOU with educational institutes for conducting FFFAI-FIATA Diploma Courses in Freight Forwarding and other courses.
  • a.FFFAI has signed MOU with Logistics Skill Council for Training and Skill Development. b.FFFAI has signed MOU with NITIE – Government Institute to introduce custom course c.FFFAI has signed MOU with Centre for Trade Facilitation & Logistics (CTFL) and Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT). d.FFFAI has signed MOU with National Association of Freight & Logistics, Dubai, UAE. e.FFFAI signed MOU with 21CC Vishwa Sarvagana Pvt Ltd. (dba 21CC education) for e-learning
  • FFFAI has its own in-house publication of Monthly & Quarterly News media named FFFAI Bulletin in Print copy for circulation which includes activities during the period. ( enclosed copies for your reference)
  • FFFAI’s representation on Government bodies a.FFFAI is permanent member on expert committee of International North South Transport Corridor (INSTC) , Ministry of Commerce & Industry b.FFFAI Executive member Mr. Vipin Vora represent on Expert committee, Advisory Group, MoCA
  • FFFAI made presentation of Customs Trade Facilitation measures at IFCBA Conference in Singapore which was also addressed by Dr. Kunio Mukuriya – Secretary General of WCO.
  • FFFAI launched FIATA Paperless FBL Solution during convention in hands of Honourable Union Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways Shri Sarbananda Sonowal.
  • FFFAI is the only National Association In India who is authorise to issue FIATA Bill of Lading to its members.
  • FFFAI bidding for tender to carry out study on Connectivity of Indian Markets and return cargo via Shahid Beheshti Port of Chabahar.
  • Women Wing – empower women in Logistics and to encourage women participation at all custom stations to enter this challenging and interesting sector and take up leadership roles.
  • Youth Wing – to encourage youth and next generation into the logistic sector through IT technology as logistic sector is undergoing huge transformation and youth will eventually be the future of our industry.
  • FFFAI presence on social media ensures to promote Government of India’s initiatives towards trade promotion and facilitation measures.

International Outreach

  • Leading initiative for co-operation between freight forwarding associations of neighbouring countries
  • Participated as speaker in 1st Annual Multimodal Transportation & Logistics Conference in Karachi
  • Participated as Key Note Speaker in Nepal World Cargo Day in KathmanduMade presentation along with IFCBA to World Customs Organization -Permanent Technical Committee on World Economic Competitive Package – First presentation ever made by a Private Sector

Training and Education

FFFAI imparts formal vocational training to members of logistics fraternity to improve their knowledge and skills thereby increasing the quality of personnel engaged in the profession. FFFAI through its educational wing INDIAN INSTITUTE OF FREIGHT FORWARDING (IIFF) conducts a six months part-time DIPLOMA COURSE in FREIGHT FORWARDING, which is recognized by FIATA. FFFAI has successfully completed 5 batches of this course and assisted in placement of students in the industry. FFFAI also organizes Training of Trainers Workshops to develop Trainers within the industry.

CSR Initiatives

FFFAI as a socially responsible corporate body recognizes people who made the nation proud. FFFAI has felicitated:

  • Sport Personnel for their achievements in Sports and bringing laurels to the country
  • War Veterans and Police Personnel for their bravery, sacrifice and for putting nation above self.

Welcoming the Future

FFFAI envisages

  • To make International Freight Forwarding and Customs Broker a profession of first choice
  • To transform Freight Forwarding Profession into a Vital Profession
  • Integration of Supply Chain Professional as not just a Logistics Expert but also as a Key Stake Holder and as a Central Nervous System of Planning and Execution

FFFAI Endeavours

  • To work towards migration from Licensing to SELF REGULATION
  • To provide Global Thought Leadership
  • To undertake Public Relation Activities
  • To enhance Brand Image and build Greater Public Confidence
  • To be the Voice of Change in Policy Direction in pursuit to attain Global Recognition
  • To strengthen FFFAI to be the largest and strongest body in the Logistics Sector in the World.